The safety of our scholars, staff, and families remains our highest priority.

Blackstone Valley Prep continues to closely track developments related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). We strictly adhere to all mandates from the Office of the Governor and the Rhode Island Department of Health.

BVP strongly recommends that all members of the BVP community get vaccinated against COVID-19 and keep their vaccinations up to date.

For events, sports, and club participation, BVP recommends that anyone who is immunocompromised or considered high risk wear a mask while participating. In addition, BVP recommends that anyone participating in these activities who is a known contact of a positive person wear a mask for 10 days and test on day 5.

Masks are recommended for all visitors to BVP.

Please review BVP’s official 2022-2023 COVID-19 policies here.

The COVID-19 vaccine is widely available in Rhode Island. Register for a clinic today.

For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

COVID-19 Updates from the BVP Blog

The BVP Social Workers’ Fund assists BVP families and alumni experiencing extreme hardships.

Centers for Disease Control Recommendations

CDC coronavirus prevention recommendations